Alexandria Masse (m-AH-see) (she/her) (b. 2000) is an artist that often works with textiles and fibres to construct wearable art. Masse holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Textiles/Fashion with a Minor in Art History at NSCAD University. She was born and raised in Wawiiatanong ("Windsor, ON, Canada").


Masse works with fibre and fabric to construct wearable art. She is fascinated by how a material can be manipulated and uses sewing, knitting and crochet to make soft sculptures and wearables. In addition, her constant battle with racial imposter syndrome drives her to discover new ways to cherish and reclaim her culture within her work. Masse often works with subject matter inspired by her mothers culture and insects from her backyard. She establishes connections between childhood memories and relates them to present day experiences. As a woman in craft, she constantly finds herself challenging the preconceived notion of textiles and craft. Masse utilizes crochet and sewing to connect and continue the matriarchal traditions of craft in her family.

(Photo by Ashley Cline)